Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Never want to come home!

Hola Hola! Oh my gosh! Why is life so fun! Guatemala is nuts and I love it! Did I mention that I never want to come home? OOps....but Seriously, receiving the support and love from all of you, having the great companions that I have had and being able so serve amongst and with the people that I have met, it really is a perfect life and most days I feel like I could go forever! Even though I love all of you and will have to come home eventually, just want you to know that I know I have made one of the best decisions of my life by coming on a mission. You just learn so much everyday! I have started in my miracle journal, a ¨what I learned today¨section, because there are way too many things that pass each day that I want to learn from or remember to be a better missionary now and be a better person in the future and so I have tried to write at least one thing everyday that will remind of an experience I had or something. Only one because we know that there is no time in the night to get hardly anything done before lights out. There are so many things to learn in the mission, the only reason I feel overwhelmed sometimes is that I´m not learning everything I should/could be. but that´s what the spirit is for, is to help us remember all the things we have learned and been taught by the savior like it says in john 14:26. And if we believe that really we came from the presence of God and Jesus Christ, think of all the knowledge we must have had, sitting at the SAvior´s feet being taught the gospel. I think this scripture applies to all the things that Christ has said to us before and the things we have learned in this life. Pero hay que ser diligente tambien! We have to be diligent in all we do.

We had an awesome Sacrament meeting yesterday that was full of surprises....with one of the biggest asistencia´s La Mariposa has ever seen! There were 165 people there and they ran out of water! The Sacrament took awhile, which is nice to have more time to think about the Savior of course, but also it´s a bit nervewracking for missionaries because you are sitting next to your investigator´s wondering what they are thinking and just praying that everything will be normal or that they won´t think we´re nuts. But it always works out in the end because God loves his children. But the best part about it was that the chapel didn´t have any water yesterday and so when they went to go get more water, there was none! After about three minutes of awwkward eying going on with the bishopric on the stand, I caught on to the fact that one guy says to the bishop that he has a water bottle in his car...so hermano Juan goes to his car and brings in bright green water bottle discreetly trying to walk down the side aisle, when one of the priests comes walking in magically with 2 glasses of water!!! where he got the water we dont know, but at least we know that it was blessed! This is all after the Stake Presidency had just announced a new bishopric!!!! So there´s all this excitement, we will have an awesome new bishop, probably one of the funniest men I have ever met in my life.(Big day for us gringas when we can understand funny jokes in spanish ,)-) We will miss our bishop dearly, but we are excited for the changes. I hope I will be here for these changes so I can work with the new bishop, but I have six months in this area and who knows where the Lord will need me next. Heydi Ochoa is progressing so well, Ingrid is doing great and Isabel arrived an hour early to church yesterday because she didnt want to be late! love them. Time has been flying by way toooooo fast! Pray for time to slow down, that more families will be found so we can teach them gospel and they enter into sacred covenants with God! This work is the work of the Lord, Im so grateful for the opportunity to share his true gospel! There are always adventures and miracles everyday, so look for them! Love you all, have a great before Valentines week! You´re in my prayers,

Love always,
Hermana Peach Wetzel

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