Monday, November 1, 2010

Loving Life

Oh Hey!!!! How is everyone? Guate is great, things are just splendid here. I am happy to repòrt that I just love life. thats all. But how are you?mol and jeff i hope your trip was great. Mol, I know exactly what you mean, Im sorry that had to happen with the lady. But thanks to your great example, you dont need to worry! But things are just great here, Im in a new district with a new district leader, Elder Musick from california and my comp is the only Latina! Well, besides me, but I would be chapina as they say here, and she is from El Salvador. But thanks for all your support and love, you guys are the best! The familia Santizo have safely landed in Mixco, officially now. THey came to church on Sunday for the last time here, and are now going to assist their other ward. They were so happy and I was so happy to see them there again! We will miss them dearly, but we always find excuses for them to drive back here, or excuses like, meeting them at the temple!!!! yes! I think this will be the best birthday ever, they dont know we are going as a ward to the temple on my birthday, but I will know that them being in the temple would be the best gift anyone could ever give me, I dont want anything else, so dont send a lot of stuff! I guess you could say that if I were to say something about me that I like for my birthday, it would be that I have recent converts going to the temple...there, I said it, to make you all happy that I said my own comment about me on my bday! haha but thanks for the package, I have been reading the little cards everyday. To give you an update on our other investigators, Gregorio, who has been investigating the church for 8 years now, but is so ready to be baptized, we are just waiting for his divorcement papers so he can then get married to the woman he lives with now, and then get baptized. Noemi, is the mom of hna samayoa, from the pilas family that helped us with the familia santizo. hna samayoa has been praying for 20 years that her mom will accept the gospel. Her mom knows a ton about the church, and actually came to church yesterday! But she has a lot of pent up anger and hatred in her heart. But shes way pilas and I realllly hope she will be baptized soon, even though she tells us, hermanas, we are going to take things slow. la familia gonzalez vamaca came to church yesterday too! Man, there was a really cool series of events that happened with this family that lead to us finally meeting them and putting together who they were. I´ve decided that the life of a missionary is kind of like doing a puzzle. We follow the spirit and the plans in our agendas, and its so cool to see who we were lead to that day, or what people were put in our path, or how this person knows that person, that was an old investigator that lives with an inactive member, or whatever, the Lord is in charge of this work. Sometimes I cant see it until after its happened, but the Lords hand is in every move we make and I love it! The only thing that impedes me from doing the Lords will is, me. I dont like this concept so I am trying to eliminate the natural man completely from my life! Its hard, but anything is possible with the Lord! There are more people I will tell you about next week, i love all the people here in La Mariposa and I am so grateful to be on a mission! love you lots, Id love to hear more of your insights from conference and what talks you liked! love you all like i love this gospel! have a great week, good luck with midterms and know that i will be praying for all of you that are in school!

love always,

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