Tuesday, July 6, 2010


hi fam!!!! how is everyone!!! thanks for doing the recipe book, mol! if you could include pot roast that would be great
because one of our investigators wants the recipe for pot roast and gravy with potatoes american style haha. dad, yes the volcano ash was crazy. Nothing has happened with the volcanoes since that eruption, luckily. But whats with all the natural disasters in the states! sorry question mark doesnt work again, but is everyone ok there! Mol thanks for sending the package, i got it! and daddy i got yours, with the ipod. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks so much for taking care of me, everything was great and the music is perfect. the bug spray will help a llot with the mosquitoes, thanks. mol i havent gotten the one that is sounds like you sent, but maybe this week at interviews I will get it. Wow, so much business. Everyone has wuestions and i will try to answer them! Things are still going great here in Frutal II. My comps are great and the spanish is coming along. Im starting to be able to have the conversations i want with people instead of the forced ones where i only know a certain amount of questions!! So thats exciting. We found a way pilas family this week and had the baptism of manuel!!!! he is 9, the grandson of Hna Rosita, who is the most pilas recent convert. manuel is the stinikin cutest thing ever and loves futbol, so we{re bffs. his mom gloria came, which was so great cuz we are also teaching her but shes just progressing a little slower than her son. but hopefully she will be baptized soon. We are going to ANTIGUA tomorrow for pday!!!!!!! I cant wait! Ill tell you all about how it goes next week. Katie, ella and grace kill me, give them a big squeeze for me! that is so funny about their prayers!!! thanks for doing all the work for me katie, glad your conference went well! I got a bunch of letters from you all this last week, so thank you! sorry this is short, love you all so much! keep the faith, mol thanks for taking care of the missionaries there, im being blessed for it too! muah! Im so grateful families are eternal and that Heavenly Father loves us so much that he wants each and every one of his children to return and live with him. Hasta luego! red i received the calendar, muchisimas gracias! letters are coming soon. xoxoxo!
Hermana Wetzel

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