Monday, July 12, 2010


Dear Family and friends,
Antigua!Antigua! Antigua! It was awesome!! Antigua was beautiful and so enchanting. I may or may not have bought a little too much stuff at the markets, but still it was a blast. I will try and send some pictures soon. We crammed our whole zone into a microbus,like a combe tay and sar, i think we had 17 missionaries in there. Everyone needs to go to Antigua! But how are you! I hope everyone had a great 4th of July, it sounded fun with all the parades and stuff! Things here in Guate are great, we have had a ton of rain! Yesterday was a crazy rain day, but we still got a lot of work done! Im so happy Dan Johnson and Sister Condie are home! i cant believe it! Please tell both of them hello and welcome home for me!
I cant believe Ella says that much, Katie that is so funny about her prayers and how Grace gets jealous when Ella prays a lot. Too cute. How did your conference go? And Tay and Aims, how is married life! You are gonna love Guate. You will know who you are when you read this and what the significance of the statement, I ate my first hot dog this week, means. But yes, i made it this long on my mission in Guatemala without eating a hot dog. Probably because we have a really good cocinera, but still, that should make you laugh(spork). Things on the Guatemalan front are great, thank you for the packages, everyone. I received some dear elders last week mol, but not those letters you talked about. But thank you too for the one from the family reunion, i cant believe im one of those missionaries that gets written to from the warner family reunions! crazy! but i love it. Mission life is great, we have zone conference again this week on saturday. We found 2 awesome families this week, our investigators are doing great! Sorry I gotta go, but I hope all is well! Love you all, you´re in my prayers! Happy Birthday Sarah Mabey too! love ya!

Hermana Wetzel

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