Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Campo Week Three

Hola!!! greetings from Frutal 2, the best area ever. I love life! but this week was another great one, some funny stuff happened. we have 8 new investigators and a way pilas family. four of the girls living in the house are praying to know if the plan of salvation is true and about a baptismal date on june 6! we just met them last night and they were sooooo positive! ill keep ya posted on them. oh and a few things to note, the rainy season has officially started!!!!!!!!!!!!! i wish i could send you a video of the rain, its awesome! we run in it from appt to appt and it is so fun. but its rains like clockwork everyday right around 2 or 230. but a cool story from last saturday was that our next door neighbors, who are so pilas, a family of 5, said they would come to our mothers day activity if it didnt rain. so what did I do? I prayed all the way to the church that it wouldnt rain. i knew they wouldnt come even if it looked like it would rain so i prayed that the clouds would roll away.......and they did!!!!!!!!!!!! it never rained and didnt even look like it was going to from 4-9 at night! this story is kind of anticlimatic because the family didnt end up coming which was a bummer, but still at least i know Heavenly Father answers prayers. next thing, i straight up washed all my garments in a cement tub with those little rickety things to scrub them on. nara, it reminded me of beverly hillbillies, dont know why. haha but it did. but anyway, it was so funny and you all know me well and can laugh with me when i say, ive never been so grateful for what washing machines do, somebody please go give a washer a big hug for me!haha jk im livin the life, its hilarious. i kill about 50 bugs a day in our apt which is nice, but the greatest news is, I HAVE HOT WATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I took my first hot shower this morning and it was glorious. cold water was nice and all, i tried to love it, i really did (not, but thats the happy and postive missionary attitude we´re supposed to have lol) but the lady who we rent our house from came over to look at it and she flipped a switch in the kitchen and said, there ya go! i was in shock that we could have had hot water this whole time. but oh well, the lessons we learn. im just grateful to actually have running water!but yeah, thats the guatemalan front. oh, one more thing, crossing the street is too great, we cross with a prayer and me saying ´are you serious!´ when my comp pulls me across inbetween two huge trucks and speeding cars. i dont tell you this to scare you, only to let you know that im having a great time, loving this new culture and am so happy to be a missionary of the Lord. Theres no greater feeling than walking away from a lesson knowing that the people you taught felt the spirit and want to know more about the gospel. The gospel is the only thing that can truly bring us happiness in this life and in the next! love you all! good luck with the wedding! know that i will be there in spirit and praying for you!!!! adios!
Hermana Wetzel

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