Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Last week in MTC

hola!! guess what! i leave this tuesday for the field!!! so probably dont send anything else to the ccm, just send it to the mission home which you shoul dhave the address or just look online. but its crazy, i have loved the ccm but am so excited to get out into the field, and as you all know, i will be having hermana withdrawals when i have to leave hermana mellor, williams and garcia. love them but am so excited to meet my new companion. we got to go out to the plaza this week again, and lo and behold, i was the sr companion who is supposed to know spanish! all the new north americans get to go with a latin comp but this time i was the ´latin´and i was with hna peterson from missouri. we had a blast. people here are so nice and even though we dont speak very well, the spirit touches people and they are willing to listen. one guy yesterday told me that there was something different in my eyes and that even though he had rejected the bom from his freinds before, today was a special day and he wanted to accept our book. i told him it was the light of christ and that he cuold feel that way everyday if he would follow the example of Jesus Christ and be baptized. he cant wait for the missionaries to come over. so fun. Guate is great, we get to go to the temple again today and we are just surrounded by the spirit all the time, watching talks by the prophets, going to devotionals and we sing all the time! my comps and i did a special musical number for the devo last night, it only works in spanish, but we sang joseph smiths firtst prayer to the tune of come thout fount, acaapella, its really cool how it works out. sorry i dont have much time, ill email you next week from the field though! love you all, thanks for your support! muah!

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